Sunday, December 11, 2011

My little nephew Kacen turned 1 today! He had a marble cake with chocolate and cream cheese frosting. He sure enjoyed it! I can't believe it has been a year already! He got lots of toys and we all had a wonderful day with family! Happy 1st Birthday Kace Face!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

My friend from elementary schools little boy turns 1 today! This is his fun birthday cake. Happy Birthday!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

2 boys and 1 Birthday... Nope they are not twins...

Above is the Xbox and controller that I did for my friend Miklyn's Older son's birthday. The entire controller is rice krispies and then the entire xbox is cake. I hope he wanted to play it just as much as he wanted to eat it! She has another younger son about 6 years younger who happened to be born on the same day! Below is his cute Army man we named "Joe" for G. I. Joe! My favorite part is his facial hair! Ha Ha He turned out so cute! One of my favorites for sure! Thanks again Miklyn for thinking of me for your boys' birthdays! Can't wait to see what my next adventure is.... stay tuned!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

This is my newest cake. A high heel for a friends daughters birthday. It has a rice krispy heel and the rest of it is cake. I used silver sprinkles that are shimmery! best find ever!!! I hope she loved it. On to the next couple of cakes coming up.... army man and x box! Stay tuned!!!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

I made this cake for my nephew Cohen. He turned 7 yesterday. His party was a Captain America theme. I made the head out of rice krispie treats and the body and base are all chocolate cake. The shield is just a piece of cardboard covered in fondent and painted with food coloring. Cohen loved the cake so much! I am so happy! Happy Birthday Bud!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

This cake was for an 11 year old "movie themed" birthday party. It was chocolate cake filled with chocolate icing. I used fondant for the red stripes and the yellow ticket and popcorn sign. I also used real kettle corn so it was sweet! They loved it and I couldn't be happier! Happy Birthday Marian! Thanks Angela!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Going Old School...

This was a going away gift for a guy from work. He loved video games and we thought we would go old school!

Baby shower for Nephew #2! Blue Blue Blue!!!

This was for my sisters baby shower for my new nephew #2 Cohen was thrilled to have a brother coming. Kacen McCoy Purkey was born on December 11, 2010! This is a little late the shower was at the end of October...on Halloween actually... woops! Everyone loved this cake it was one of my favorites however he was one of the hardest... his head is made out of rice krispies and when I put his ears on they were a little too heavy and pulled part of his head off OUCH! but I got him all fixed up and he was darling and oh so yummy....

Princesses too!!!

This was one of my favorites.... Everyone has had one of these in their day I am sure the famous Barbie cake. This had sparkled gel as the dress bodice and then I used strawberry frosting with the gel to add a little sparkle. Pearls are a must and you can't have girly without the flowers! They said the little girl it was for LOVED it! I am so glad! I did too!


This was a fun Easter treat we had for Easter Sunday dinner. His ears are made out of colored rice krispies! He was delish!!!

More to catch up on!

This was for a co-worker of my sisters. Her mom is part of the red hat sisters, This is another attempt at the marsh mellow fondant. It was pink and matched to all of the pink cupcakes they did themselves!

Cohen's 6th Birthday.... How to train your dragon

Hello Everyone! I know it has been so long since I have done a post. I have done a few cakes since then.... Here are some pictures of them.

This first one was for Cohen's "How to train your dragon" birthday party.

I did my first attempt with marsh-mellow fondant. I think it turned out pretty good and everyone seemed to think he tasted good!!!